Sweetpeas Room and transitions between Nursery rooms

You may have noticed we have not re-opened our events hub.
We were having children sign up very quickly, and rather than open a waiting list, we decided to open the events Hub into a new room.
As of Tuesday April 6th, we shall have a Sweetpeas room which shall cater for children ages 2-3 years.
So from April, Chickpeas shall have up to 9 babies from 6 months to 16 months, Yams shall have up to 12 toddlers from 16 months up to 2 years, Sweetpeas shall have up to 16 toddlers from 2-3 years and Elderberries shall have up to 24 over 3's.
So far, we have allocated the Room Leaders for each room.
We shall complete our teams for each room by the end of next week and share this information with you, including our new staff details.
Carley - Chick Peas
Jerleen - Yams
Vicki - Sweet Peas
Robyn - Elderberries
Moving Up - Transitioning - If your child is due to move up or transition, you will be invited to come along on Monday March 22nd to see your child's new room, by appointment only, so you can see what is going on.
You can spend up to 10 mins with your mask on.
In the interim, we shall share with you our summer routines for each space.
Our buggy store should be going up, if the weather permits, along with making the Chickpeas and Sweetpeas gardens a little bigger.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Best wishes, Eileen