“Colourful Emotion Bubbles”

“Colourful Emotion Bubbles”
Area: Sensory development, gross motor skills, and emotional recognition.
Objective: Encourage babies to explore primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and associate them with basic emotions through bubble play.
• colours balloons ( red, blue, yellow) )
• Large sheets of colored paper (red, blue, and yellow) with corresponding emotion faces:
• Red 🔴 → Energy / Anger
• Blue 🔵 → Calmness / Sadness
• Yellow 🟡 → Happiness / Joy
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Preparation:
• Place the colored emotion sheets on the floor or tape them to the wall at the baby’s level.
2. Ballon’s Play:
• play red balloon while saying:
“Look, red ballon ! Red means energy! Wow!” (Use a playful and excited tone, making big hand gestures.)
• play yellow balloons and say:
“Wow, yellow ballon’s ! Yellow is happiness! Yay!” (Smile and laugh to reinforce the joyful emotion.)
• play blue balloons and say:
“Blue balloons so calm and peaceful.”
3. Baby Interaction:
• Encourage the baby to reach out and play with balloons
• If the baby touches a colours paper sheet, reinforce the association by saying:
“You touched blue! Blue is calm.” or “You found yellow, that means happy!”
4. Facial Expression Imitation:
• Show exaggerated facial expressions corresponding to each emotion and encourage the baby to respond with sounds or gestures.
5. Free Exploration:
• Let the baby move freely, chasing and play with balloons
• Reinforce color-emotion associations naturally as the baby plays.
This activity helps babies develop their colour perception, associate emotions with visual cues, and improve their gross motor skills as they move and reach for balloons.